The dad goes to Taco Bell and spends $53 on a family of four. He then talks about how he went to an upscale breakfast place in the morning and eat a meal for $67. Americans are having a hard time wrapping their mind around the concept of a currency devaluing in front of their eyes. The look on the child in the backseat tells the whole story. What kind of future are we prepared to live in? The Goldilocks days of the strong dollar may be over, unless the Federal Reserve can somehow miraculously stop inflation and hyperinflation from occurring. We are far from a Fed fund rate that will be able to accomplish that. Maybe the upscale restaurant just hasn’t adjusted their prices yet and the next thing you know they’ll be paying $100 for breakfast there. I can’t imagine Taco Bell ever lowering its prices when interest rates are only at 5%. Going to take a lot more hiking to get the desired effects