Does this recent stock market rally feel right to you? Does it feel very speculative? Why did the FED reverse interest rate guidance so significantly in such a short time frame?

Charles Hugh Smith answers those questions from his perspective in this article. In it, his analysis does a good job describing the extreme “FINANCIALIZATION” process I’ve also been detailing in my Investment Letters and posts. While he points to the limitations to “FINANCIALIZATION” that he believes inflation presents, I’m more concerned about mounting credit problems and recession in 2024 as the potential source of limitation.

In any case, I want to take this opportunity to wish the entire LinkedIn community, a very Blessed Christmas and a terrific 2024! Thanks for your interest this year and stay tuned as 2024 is lining up to be a very interesting year.


This is a great time to review your financial plans and asset allocation strategy, I’d like to help. I invite you to sign up for an initial complimentary consultation, where we can review your personal financial situation in the context of the “bigger picture” financial circumstances in play today:


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